Logging visualization: data pipeline documentation
The logging visualization site integrates data from multiple sources
The purpose of this post is to document the data processing steps applied to the original sources of the data, to create the layers used by the logging visualization site.
Data pipeline in a nutshell
The diagram below depicts the flow of data from the original sources (left) mapped to the site navigation structure (right).
Primary data sources
Name | Description | Format |
Global Forest Change | Results from time-series analysis of Landsat images in characterizing global forest extent and change. | GeoTIFF |
Clearcuts in Federal Lands | Clearcuts in federal public lands documented by Oregon Wild using aerial photography and logging records. Original dataset enhanced with the latest logging records from the US Forest Service and the BLM (below). | Shapefile |
USFS Timber Harvests | United States Forest Service (USFS) dataset which depicts areas treated as a part of the Timber Harvest program of work. Activities are self-reported by Forest Service Units. | Shapefile |
BLM Harvest Treatments | Bureau of Land Management (BLM) dataset which represents completed harvest land treatments on BLM managed lands in the states of Oregon and Washington. Harvest treatments are the cutting and removal or trees or biomass. | GDB |
Ref | Process | Input | Output | Tools | Commands |
① |
Clip |
QGIS | QGIS -> Raster -> Extraction -> Clip Raster By Mask Layer… |
② |
Merge |
State-level clearcuts tiles: {z}/{x}/{y}.png |
Tilemill -> export mb-util -> export |
③ |
Gen | Clearcuts in Federal Lands | Federal lands clearcuts vector tiles: {z}/{x}/{y}.pbf |
mapshaper -i fedcuts/fedcuts.shp -proj wgs84 -verbose -o format=geojson precision=0.0001 fedcuts.json tippecanoe –layer=fedcuts –name=fedcuts –no-tile-compression –minimum-zoom=9 –maximum-zoom=14 –simplification=20 –simplify-only-low-zooms –output-to-directory “fedcuts-vtiles/all” fedcuts.json Note: Clipped versions of underreported areas (Fremont-Winema, Mount Hood, and Siuslaw) are also generated using the above recipe |
④ |
Split |
Area-level (National Forests and BLM District Offices) detailed vector tiles: {z}/{x}/{y}.pbf |
genvtiles.sh |
⑤ |
Poly |
Private/state/tribal vector tiles: {z}/{x}/{y}.pbf |
QGIS -> Raster -> Conversion -> Polygonize mapshaper -> simplify (Visvalingam, 30%), clean, filter remove-empty, filter ‘this.area>12000’, export precision 0.0001 mapshaper combine-files, export mapshaper hansen-private-state-tribal.json -each ‘assignedId=this.id’ -o format=geojson hansen-private-state-tribal-i.json tippecanoe –layer=timberharvest –name=timberharvest –no-tile-compression –minimum-zoom=6 –maximum-zoom=14 –include=assignedId –simplification=20 –simplify-only-low-zooms –coalesce –maximum-tile-bytes=100000 –output-to-directory “hansen” hansen-private-state-tribal-i.json mapshaper hansen-private-state-tribal-i.json -each ‘GIS_ACRES=Math.round(this.area*0.000247105)’ -filter-fields assignedId,YEAR,GIS_ACRES -o format=json hansen/timber-or-s-info.json |
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